5 Simple Ways to Set And Achieve Goals in 2018
Can you guys believe this is the second to last self-improvement post for 2017! I am someone who used to come up with 20 new things to achieve in the new year, do 2 in the first week of the new year and leave the rest of goals to rot.
The Spirit of Christmas
Aaah, Christmas morning. Love Actually is running on the TV, that you listen with half your ear, as you dreamily gaze at the steady pace sno
Surrendering To The Mat - 5 Lessons from Savasana
So we have established by now that my first yoga class was eventful. After making an entire spectacle of myself, I thought just lying down o
Healthy Living - 7 Habits for 2018
We are back with another self-improvement article for this Friday! I hope last week's one was useful and that you have done something from t
Finishing 2017 Strong - 4 Things To Do
And just like that, there's only four more weeks for this year! I am someone who believes in finishing strong. I don't like to set goals i
What The Mindy Project Means To Me
I was barely 21 years old when the first Mindy Project episode aired. Looking back, I guess you could say that's a pretty impressionable age
Makeup and Me
My first experience with an item of makeup went like this - My mum applied eyeliner on me with loving words and a doting expression, and the
Edit Your Life
A brunch get together.
What have I not worn before?
I need to find my previous posts
Let me see my Instagram
Spend a minute or few
Getting Out Of A Rut - 7 Things That Worked For Me
You feel like you're in quicksand. You can't budge out of it, you're stuck and you're just sinking deeper and deeper. You're starting to los
My Relationship With Food
I love food. It's SO important for me to have my meals. I've never been that person who would say "Oh my God! I was so busy doing this thing
The Pursuit of Happiness
A lot of us talk about wanting to be more happy, about how it's time we incorporate more things or experiences in our lives that make us hap
The Recipe For Success
When I started cooking, I avoided recipes that said "salt to taste" like the plague. Why? Because I had no concept of salt. I am not kidding