Healthy Living - 7 Habits for 2018

This week we are looking at healthy habits to incorporate into your life in 2018. Healthy doesn't just mean goji berries, green juices and the gym. Healthy also refers to your emotional and mental well-being. So, here are 7 habits that can help you achieve just that.


Now, if you are not an early riser, that's completely fine. I'm not here to tell you about the benefits of waking up at 7am because I'm a night owl myself. But what I do think is important to do when you wake up, is to start the morning fresh. Make your bed, have a good breakfast with fresh ingredients, have a fresh to do list. Do whatever it takes to signal to your brain that you are starting a new day, that it's a fresh start. Otherwise, you are going to feel trapped in a tedium where the days blur together as one and you can't separate your good days from your bad day (or string of bad days) and your average days. This in turn is going to bring down your general mood and outlook towards life. This is from first hand experience! So start everyday on a clean and fresh slate.


I know. Money can be terrifying. I was there, and my way of compensating for that terror was to run into a Sephora. Very Confessions of A Shopaholic (And now I'm giving you advice on finance, much like Confessions of a Shopaholic! Hmm. Never noticed that). Stay on top of your bank account, your credit cards, and all other financial sources. Don't just wait for the monthly statements to roll in. Make sure you know where your money is coming from and where it's going. It's not easy, but the good news is that it's a form of discipline, so it will get better with practice.

3. TRY THE 2/30 RULE

Okay, there's many variations of this rule out there and up until I had to Google to check for the origin of this rule, I did not know that this applies for credit cards as well. But the 2/30 rule I'm talking about refers to TV (or laptop) and exercise. As a TV, film and book aficionado who overdoes these, I love this rule because its so simple to follow and gives me the discipline I need! You can either do 30 mins of exercise for every 2 hours of TV. Or, the rule that I'm following is that you can do 2 hours of TV and 30 mins of exercise in a day. Does this mean that I don't watch more than 2 hours of TV every single day? No, of course not! The average Tamil film is more than 2 hours guys! And yes I have days where I exercise more than 30 mins. The point is the overall concept and to be mindful of your hobby time and to ensure you get some exercise, so don't be so hell bent on the technicality. Adopt a ratio that works best for you, but make sure you stick to it.


Your home is a place you live, not where you store things. I'm not here to tell you to have less than 35 items. I don't even think I have less than 35 makeup items. I have 3 mascaras and 15 lipsticks so that's already 18. But make a conscious effort to avoid clutter. Google can replace instruction manuals, clothes you haven't worn in the last six months can be given away and pens and highlighters that are semi-dried up or out of ink can be thrown away. Give everything a home. If you really can't bring yourself to give up something, try putting it away in a box for a month or so. See if you can live without it. Yes? Give it away. No? Keep it, but don't beat yourself over it.


Your biggest asset is yourself. Take care of your body, your mind and other aspects of well-being, such as spiritual and emotional well-being. Don't hesitate to stand up for yourself, to educate yourself or to challenge yourself. Go for that skills upgrade course. Attend more spiritual seminars if you want to. Make that big change that you know is right for you but you let it go by over analysing. Take a chance on yourself because you know best. These are the things that are going to make you feel fulfilled, and in the long term, happy.


As essential as stress is for living and fuels some of us to do our very best, it's not healthy to be living with stress 24/7. The key is balance. Find what works best for you in managing your stress and adopt it to make a regular appearance in your life. Go out for a walk, drink some tea, do some yoga or just bash a punching bag with all your might in the gym. That being said, observe and note the triggers of your stress as well. Preparation leads to better management. Sure, that yoga practice can and will make you feel calmer but what if your stress is actually triggered every time you get on social media? You complete your yoga practice, hop on the bus, open your Instagram and see that your friend has been promoted while yours has been overdue. There goes the effects of your savasana. Perhaps, you might need to take 24 hours off social media every so often to better manage your stress. So, pay attention to what triggers you and come up with techniques that better manage the stress.


Seek constructive criticism. In the words of my spiritual guide, Mindy Kaling,
"Listen to no one except the two smartest and kindest adults you know, and that doesn't always mean your parents."
Actively and consistently seek constructive criticism from people you know and trust. And if you are lucky enough, someone you look up to. Life is a journey of constant learning and self-growth so make sure you are doing that. Again, otherwise your years are going to blend together as one, and you are not going to be able to tell the difference between 2018 and 2015.

And that's it! I hope these have been helpful for you. Of course you don't have to adopt all 7, these are just general pointers and suggestions, or maybe you can use these as inspiration for developing habits that better suit your needs. Do you think I missed out something that could be super useful? Leave it in the comments below, I would love to hear about it!


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