Finishing 2017 Strong - 4 Things To Do

And just like that, there's only four more weeks for this year!

I am someone who believes in finishing strong. I don't like to set goals in the beginning of the year and then sort of just peter out to towards the end of the year and tell myself, "It's fine! I can start anew in [insert new year]!" Even if I wasn't able to see my initial goals through for whatever reason, I still like to set small goals and do something new towards the end of a year just as a sort of bolster like "Okay! This year wasn't so bad!" and get pumped in setting new goals for the year. Because the goals I set towards the end of the year are usually smaller and more attainable than the goals that I set in the beginning of the year, it sort of finishes the year on a happy note. Sometimes it also gives me inspiration for goals that I could set in the coming year or refines the goals that I have set!

So here are my suggestions for 4 very simple, very doable things you could do over the next 4 weeks:

1. Sign up for a trial!

This could be for a barre class, a baking lesson or breakwater sports. The choice is entirely up to you. Trials are a great way to know if something is really for you so go for something that you usually wouldn't. You might end up liking it for all you know and it could be part of your 2018! And even if things go bad, you never have to see these people again. Heee.

2. Go somewhere by yourself!

Eat at a restaurant, go to a park and people watch or take a solo hike. There is so much noise around us because everyone and everything has something to say. This would be a wonderful way to tune in with yourself. Take note of the thoughts that cross your mind. Is it something you have been pushing aside for far too long? Is it something you can do about?

3. Get rid of something

That blouse you haven't worn in 7 years and probably never going to, an email subscription, a relationship. There is always something to get rid of so pick the one that you are most comfortable with tossing or the one you think would be the most poignant to you right now if you were to remove it. Whatever was holding you back in 2017, it's not coming with you to 2018. Take this opportunity to clear it.

4. Read a book

Your brain feeds off everything around you. So why don't you help it by picking some material that is enriching, uplifting, or just gives you the cozy feels. Books improve the way you speak, they broaden your vocabulary and they're a great way to give your brain a little workout. So what better way to end 2017 then to read a book?

And here's a little something extra you could do this weekend itself! - Give something!

I'm not talking about presents. But something like some money to charity, some time to help your friend improve her resume or your mum undivided attention and patience when you teach her something tech related. It goes without saying that there is a certain joy that you get out out of charitable actions. Plus, it is the season of giving! So, why not start with this weekend right?

And that's it! 4, with a bonus something for this weekend, for you to do over the next 4 weeks of 2017 to end this year on a positive note, to improve yourself a little bit and potentially, gain some inspiration for 2018! What are some things you like to do before you end a year? Leave it in the comments below!


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26 Things