Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman

Hello, Big Three-Oh!

So, I turned 30 a few days ago! To regular readers, I promise this is the last time I will bang on about turning 30. It just feels transformative so bear with me, please. I didn’t want to write this piece until I had actually turned 30 to give things time. And now that I have and my birthday was painless with no crying involved, I'm just going to come right out and say it.

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Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman

30 Things Before 30

I think 30 is a big age - it's the “This is it!” age. You can still be figuring out your sh*t in your 20s but thirties - pah - you better have it together in your thirties! But the older I get, the more I'm starting to suspect that no one actually has it all together. I think we are all just kind of making it up as we go along.

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