I Took the CircleDNA Vital Test: Part 2 (Skin Health, Ancestry, and ALL my traits)
Oh, hello! You’re done reading part 1 and you’re here for Part 2 and essentially, more tea about me and my life? Well then, welcome and please get comfy as this is going to be another LONG read!
I Took the CircleDNA Vital Test: Part 1 (Diet, Nutrition, and Fitness)
So the day after my birthday last year, I placed an order for the Circles DNA Vital Test. I’ve been pondering this test for a long, long time.
Hello, Big Three-Oh!
So, I turned 30 a few days ago! To regular readers, I promise this is the last time I will bang on about turning 30. It just feels transformative so bear with me, please. I didn’t want to write this piece until I had actually turned 30 to give things time. And now that I have and my birthday was painless with no crying involved, I'm just going to come right out and say it.
30 Things Before 30
I think 30 is a big age - it's the “This is it!” age. You can still be figuring out your sh*t in your 20s but thirties - pah - you better have it together in your thirties! But the older I get, the more I'm starting to suspect that no one actually has it all together. I think we are all just kind of making it up as we go along.
Turning 29: A Look at My 20s
So, I turned 29 the past Saturday. This is it, folks! The final year in my 20s. Much like I wrote in my post about turning 28, I have been
A compilation of some of the more poignant moments from when I worked in a hospital - Part 2
I once had the opportunity to interact with nurses WELL beyond their retirement age; nurses who were once midwives, something Singapore has
A compilation of some of the more poignant moments from when I worked in a hospital - Part 1
In a previous life, I worked in a hospital for nearly four years as a research coordinator. I consider the experience a privilege and it rea
Turning 28: The Good, The Bad, and The Okay
I'll be turning 28 this Thursday and I've anticipated turning 28 for a long time now. I do know people around me who are begging to have time