Bidding Farewell to Friendships
A lot of people say your 20s and your 30s are when friendships start to disintegrate. Someone you thought to be your best mate since your
The Art of Being Alone
Once upon a time (okay, actually not that long ago), I used to think that being out somewhere by myself made me a loser and friendless.
How To Reset Your Life
Did you know that with Saturday, there will only be a hundred days left for 2018! 100! If you are anything like me, I’m sure you are probably freaking out about how soon the year is ending.
An Ode to The Lion King Musical
I feel this is one of those things where the title tells you everything you need to know. Although to be fair, I feel a bulk of you would probably already know everything you need to know even if it wasn’t articulated as a title. Because you have lived through it.
Celebrating New Beginnings
Today is விநாயகர் சதுர்த்தி /Vinayagar Sathurthi. It’s the Hindu God Vinayagar’s birthday. Most Hindus pray to Vinayagar before they start
Boys and Girls
One of the earliest photographs of me features me playing with a bunch of building blocks. That was my childhood – playing meant building blocks, jeeps and, cooking sets.
3 Ways to Beat Procrastination
Ah, procrastination. Look, I’m not going to make you feel horrible about procrastinating the task in front of you. I get it. I really do.
Why Don't You Be a Lawyer/ Doctor/ Engineer?
I have talked about this in “Mixed Identities” before. I come from two different worlds – my humble village in India, and the metropolitan
Cultural Diversity
I’ve always been the minority or a group that has not been prioritised as much. Back home in India, my ethnic group of Tamils had to fight
Productivity in the AM When You Are NOT a Morning Person
I am on a ROLL with these productivity articles recently aren’t I! I think it’s because I finally have a system that works for me and now th
Questions to Stop Asking Women (And Other Thoughts)
Let me start by saying this is not the kind of FAQ I pictured myself doing. The first one or two times I was asked the following questions, I didn’t think I would have them asked for the rest of my life.
Goodbye Scales!
I have talked about society’s comfort in discussing people’s body before and I took that opportunity to reassure people to be okay with their
Going With the Flow of Life
This time last year I had plans to move to New York by the end of this year. I had specific companies in mind where I wanted to work (and I
It's Okay To Not Be Okay
I have been feeling off for very long. By off I mean very low in mood, lacking in hope and optimism and a kind of detachment from everything