What I Would Tell My 18-Year-Old Self
Because apparently, this is a thing now. Out of curiosity, do you believe in time travel? I don't know what to feel about it. I can't bring
Religion 2.0
I am someone who believes that religion needs to be updated constantly. By who you ask? I'm not sure, but it needs to be updated.
How Yoga Made Me A Better Person
So, I’ve wrote a bit about yoga before – my experience getting into it, 10 tips for your first class and about the beauty of savasana. And I
Train Rides
The display screen reads "5 mins" for the next train. "Oh okay" I think to myself, and gaze out at the escalator that brings people up to th
3 Fixes If You're Not Achieving Your Goals
It's February guys! How many of you set goals in December or January and were all "You guys! 2018 is going to be MY year!!" only for you to
Astrology and Horoscopes
I believe in astrology and horoscopes to a certain extent. And if that made you roll your eyes, please feel free to close your browser tab a
Not Enough
Society has made it okay and acceptable to talk about an individual's body. From aunties gossiping at weddings about how Priya looks like sh
The Power of Social Media
So we all know by now that human beings have an intrinsic need to communicate. From the early man's carvings on cave walls to our emoji fill
7 Lessons from 2017 for 2018
I can't believe we are concluding the self-improvement series already! You can jog back and check out the three other articles I wrote in th