5 Solo Dates to Take Yourself Out On (And Why You Should)
I don’t know why solo dates have a bad rep. That taking yourself out makes you seem sad or like a loser or that you’re overcompensating for
20 Things I'm Choosing to Focus On in 2020
For the first time in a while, I didn’t set much resolutions or goals for the new year - scratch that. I didn't set any resolutions. It just
Dusting Off Your Goals and Getting Back on Track
Well hello, there! It’s been a while for me since I had a self-improvement chat (I checked, the last time I did this was in March) and I felt
How I Plan My Working Week
Since I have evolved as a freelancer, my work schedule has started to go by in weeks rather than individual days. Because often times, I
What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed
You know that feeling when you wake up, show up to work, look at all the STUFF you have to do, tune out, open up YouTube and start watching
4 Ways To NAIL Your Goals and Habits in 2019
In a previous post, I talked about setting goals and I said that there are only two reasons why goals fail. One, because the goals have no
Setting Goals for 2019
In my experience, there are only two reasons why goals fail - 1. Lack of discipline or direction in pursuing a goal (which we will cover in
Wiping the Slate Clean for 2019
I absolutely love the idea of starting the new year on a fresh note. Usually, I let most years flow but this year, I can say with all
What To Do For The Rest of The Year
I am someone who likes to end a year on a strong note. I don’t like to let it peter out or pull an “It’s okay, I can start doing (insert habit) from next year.”
How to Have A Productive Week
Hello my 9-5ers! *grins from a place that doesn’t require her to work a 9-5 anymore. To be fair, this is not completely for 9-5ers alone,
How To Reset Your Life
Did you know that with Saturday, there will only be a hundred days left for 2018! 100! If you are anything like me, I’m sure you are probably freaking out about how soon the year is ending.
3 Ways to Beat Procrastination
Ah, procrastination. Look, I’m not going to make you feel horrible about procrastinating the task in front of you. I get it. I really do.
Productivity in the AM When You Are NOT a Morning Person
I am on a ROLL with these productivity articles recently aren’t I! I think it’s because I finally have a system that works for me and now th
A Realistic Career Guide
I know I’ve talked about why I quit my 9-5 (where I detail why I started this website) and 5 lessons I learned from having a 9-5 (a little