3 Ways To Feel More Positive Right Now
You’re down, you’re feeling a bit behind in life and all you want to do is make your problem go away with a big tub of Ben & Jerry’s. It’s fine. We have all been there.
5 Ways I Productively Procrastinate
Yes, productive procrastination is a thing. If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen me do a little sharing on productive procrast
Revamping and Refreshing Your Goals
Or maybe, reviving your goals. Hey, no judgement here! I still have goals from 2008 that I have yet to achieve. Anyhoo! It’s JUNE!
Planning a Morning Routine
Now, this is not a pretty Pinterest article where I’m going to tell you about my cute little morning routine. I’m not going to tell you about the wonders of meditation.
You're Hurting Your Own Happiness
My horoscope for this month claims that I am in a serious financial pickle. And that I will continue to be in one for a few months. Somewhere along the lines of planets crossing, and full moons occurring, something caught my eye.
A Childlike Wonder - Part II
Hi guys! Happy Monday! How was your weekend? For those of you following up from last Thursday’s article, I hope you had some solid reflection
A Childlike Wonder - Part 1
I'm sure most of you have seen a toddler trying to walk by now. It would take about two steps before it plops to the ground, and then another
To Be Inspired or To Be Motivated?
Inspiration and motivation are often treated as one and the same, interchangeably. But are they though? Spoiler alert, they're not
How Yoga Made Me A Better Person
So, I’ve wrote a bit about yoga before – my experience getting into it, 10 tips for your first class and about the beauty of savasana. And I
3 Fixes If You're Not Achieving Your Goals
It's February guys! How many of you set goals in December or January and were all "You guys! 2018 is going to be MY year!!" only for you to
7 Lessons from 2017 for 2018
I can't believe we are concluding the self-improvement series already! You can jog back and check out the three other articles I wrote in th
5 Simple Ways to Set And Achieve Goals in 2018
Can you guys believe this is the second to last self-improvement post for 2017! I am someone who used to come up with 20 new things to achieve in the new year, do 2 in the first week of the new year and leave the rest of goals to rot.
Surrendering To The Mat - 5 Lessons from Savasana
So we have established by now that my first yoga class was eventful. After making an entire spectacle of myself, I thought just lying down o