3 Ways To Feel More Positive Right Now

You’re down, you’re feeling a bit behind in life and all you want to do is make your problem go away with a big tub of Ben & Jerry’s. It’s fine. We have all been there. But there’s also this small part of you that wants to fight back, it’s done with this wallowing and it wants to get to where the grass is greener. It’s a very faint spark, it’s almost smouldering but it’s there nonetheless. So, how do you get it going? Of course, you don’t have to exercise all three that I’ve listed here, these are what I usually do so I thought would share them all in hopes that at least one gives you a little “Hmm”.

1. Be the light
You have probably heard enough about how a positive mindset is necessary. And everyone seems to have a secret stash somewhere that they can swallow for a quick dose of positivity. Meanwhile you have had it with that word that you roll your eyes as soon as you hear it. You scoff and go ‘As if that’s going to fix everything’. The thing is, it actually just might. So, how do you become positive?

“The only way to defeat the darkness is to become the light” – that’s a quote from the trailer for ‘A Wrinkle in Time’.

It’s true. Want to become positive? Fake it till you make it. It’s obviously counter-intuitive to try to be chirpy when you want to do nothing but to burrow yourself in bed. I hear you. But positivity is kinda like happiness too. I’m sure you have heard about how if you’re upset, all you have to do is fake a smile or a laughter and soon enough your brain is going to think you are happy. Same concept. Say something positive to a friend, something positive to yourself. It is going to be hard the first two or three times, you might even feel like a moron, but from experience, you will soon get the hang of it.

2. Feel Accomplished
Another way to feel positive, is by boosting your confidence. And how do you do that? By feeling accomplished. And, how do you do that? Find a system that enables that for you. Is it by getting something done first in the morning, like making your bed or a quick workout? Is it by planning your day the night before and putting little check marks in your to do list as the day goes? Feel good and reward yourself (occasionally!) about the things you get done. The key to this is to avoid having a gigantic to-do list with ALL the things you want to achieve in your life. Have separate to-do lists for work, personal life and home helps. Give your brain the compartmentalisation it needs when it comes to getting things done. This helps you feel like you have your things together, and less sucky about yourself. You can visually see the parts that are moving forward, and the parts that are not, and you can think separately about what to do about the latter instead of feeling helpless about everything.

3. Create change
This is fairly easy. If you’re feeling negative about something, or even everything, change something. Your reaction to something, the environment you’re in, or if you’re in a rut, throw something new in your everyday routine. This can be as simple as changing the colour of your towel every week (I read it in Lilly Singh's book How to Be a Bawse, tried it to test it. It actually works despite sounding so ridiculous) There needs to be a certain element of novelty in your life. Otherwise things start to seem monotonous and repetitive. And once things seem monotonous and repetitive, there’s nothing for you to look forward to. Which then makes the positive and upbeat part difficult. So, create some change, no matter how small!

And that’s it! Three simple things you can do right now to feel a little more positive and upbeat. And if you’re wondering why I’m talking about all this, here’s why: Your girl NEEDS a break. It’s not in my nature to voluntarily take breaks so I’m forcing it upon myself – There won’t be new content from July 2nd to July 15th. I really need this as much as part of me is accusing me of being a wimp and taking a break just nine months into all this. I will be back with a new post on July 16th, and hopefully, fresher and better content! You can follow me on Instagram meanwhile, and hear me talk (to be precise, read) about various bits and bobs. Feel free to leave a comment about what your favourite way is to feel more positive, and I’ll see you guys soon!

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