A Review of Tamil Cinema in 2021
You saw the title, I’m sure you can get a rough idea of where this is going to go. Tamil movies in 2021. Jai Bhim is currently declared as the best Indian film, it missed an Oscar nomination by *that* much.
What Is Femininity?
I don’t know if it’s the effects of social media but I feel the conversation and politics around feminism are gaining more traction than ever, with extrapolating views on what a woman should look like and be like.
I Took the CircleDNA Vital Test: Part 2 (Skin Health, Ancestry, and ALL my traits)
Oh, hello! You’re done reading part 1 and you’re here for Part 2 and essentially, more tea about me and my life? Well then, welcome and please get comfy as this is going to be another LONG read!
Well hello, 2022!
Hello my friends, happy 2022! *cue I don’t know about you BUT I’M FEELING TWENTY TWOOOO!* I’ll stop with the clichés now please don’t click off the article.
Thank you, 2021
I blinked and I missed 2021! I feel like that’s the only way I can describe this year! When you ask me how my 2021 was, my intuitive response is “Oh it SUCKED!” and “It was a bit of a let-down compared to what I was expecting from it!”
Hello, Big Three-Oh!
So, I turned 30 a few days ago! To regular readers, I promise this is the last time I will bang on about turning 30. It just feels transformative so bear with me, please. I didn’t want to write this piece until I had actually turned 30 to give things time. And now that I have and my birthday was painless with no crying involved, I'm just going to come right out and say it.
30 Things Before 30
I think 30 is a big age - it's the “This is it!” age. You can still be figuring out your sh*t in your 20s but thirties - pah - you better have it together in your thirties! But the older I get, the more I'm starting to suspect that no one actually has it all together. I think we are all just kind of making it up as we go along.
Okay, let’s talk about being on a matrimony site already
My parents put me on a matrimony site in June of 2016.
On Being Alone
Last week I made a pretty raw post on here and I think through various posts, here or on Instagram, it’s pretty clear that I’m looking for love and singlehood isn’t exactly my jam. For some reason, there’s some shame and desperation attached to saying you want love.
I Am Bitter and I Can’t Hide It Anymore
I’ve thought long and hard about writing this post before because I was worried about how it would come across. The killjoy. The bitter old hag. There she goes again, drowning in self-pity. Eyeroll.
Living A Life That’s Unknown
I used to think I know what I wanted to do with my life – my precious, precious life.
A career where I feel challenged in a good way, a marriage, kids, a home.
Falling in love
One thing I’ve learned is that being creative is not necessarily something that happens on its own. I thought painters, sculptures, writers, filmmakers just conjured things out of thin air. Turns out, sure, you can get inspired by watching a film or reading a book but sustaining inspiration and creativity requires practise, intention, and discipline.