Thendral's Take: April 2021

No, We Can't Be Friends by Sophie Ranald


Sloane has been happily married to Myles and after seeing many pregnant women of late, decides it's a sign to try for a child. She also feels it's important to get on with it RIGHT NOW as she's 34.

Except, Myles turns out to be a cheating piece of shit and the book follows her as she realises it's not "her fault" he cheated, and tries to find who she is now that she's living a life separate from him.

My Thoughts

I laughed out loud SO many times! I found the writing very similar to Sophie Kinsella and turns out, that's how the book has been marketed: if you love Sophie Kinsella, you will love Sophie Ranald! Sloane is a very relatable lead, a woman passionate about her job, kind and yet insecure about all the things society conditions you to be insecure about - like being too old to get pregnant, you spent too much time at work and that's why he cheated, you can get over something if he apologises, etc. This was not a chick flick where the lead finds "the one", but more like reading an excerpt from a woman's life, which I really liked. It was that honest. I also really liked that the secondary characters were not one-dimensional but all had personalities and background stories of their own too.

Butttt something about this makes me feel like this might not be the author's best work. I can't put my finger on it but the story didn't feel like it reached its full potential and the ending felt a liiiiitle flat. There are times when the writing shines through and I can see how Sophie Ranald could easily be one of my favourite authors but it still felt like something was lacking. I'm going to have to give a shot with a few more of her books to feel her out.


Now for the million-dollar question. Do I recommend this? Only if you're as invested in Sophie Kinsella-esque books like me and particularly so if you're curious about failed relationships. Most of the book explores this, and it's not about Sloane magically redeeming herself overnight. It's a slow navigation of Sloand processing her shock. I *think* this might make this a slow-moving book for some, or not your cup of tea at all.

I had fun reading this, but I don't think it's one I'll reach for often!

Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert


After facing a near-death experience, chronically ill coder Chloe decides it's time to "Get a Life!" She does up a list and engages the help of her apartment superintendent Redford Morgan as she can't finish the items on said list be herself. You know where this is going!

My Thoughts

I can't even do a proper one because I'm going to be completely biased. I REALLY liked this book! Both adults presented in this book were mature. They weren't here to fix or save each other. They both have their demons to heal from and they do so healthily. They do take it out on each other occasionally because of these demons YET they manage to work it out healthily. I mean. I want to say it's so realistic, but seeing how this part of my life has moved, I have to say it's closer to idealistic. The banter between the two was cute and it left me all giggly.

My only point of contention was that some of the scenes were far too graphic for my taste. Like. It went on for an entire chapter?? (Yes, I'm a prude. I was raised in a conservative background, you have to excuse me!) And also, this was on me because I thought it was an innocent chick flick, I did not realise it's adult romance.


Read it if you're looking for a cute love story! Just beware of said scenes if you're like me. If that's not your thing, I'm sure you can still skip through the chapters and you'll be fine! I really liked seeing a healthy couple who brought out the best from each other. I was at the library to return this when I saw another book by this author and I just grabbed it without thinking. Sooo I hope that goes to show how much I like this author already!

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier


6 months after the events of Endgame, Sam Wilson passes on the shield because he feels like he's not worthy of being Captain America.

My Thoughts

You guys. I don't even know where to start. It had so much potential! SO MUCH. There was the opportunity to explore so many topics like how America is not ready for a Black Captain America, refugees, but everything fell short. So short. After WandaVision, I thought Marvel was going to go a little darker, but I cannot even believe this TV series was done by Marvel in the first place. For something with a run time of 5 hours and 15 minutes, it did not have the plot to back up said 5 hours and 15 minutes. It is entirely possible to condense the whole thing into a movie. It felt so drawn out and my eyes glazed over so many times. The action and the intensity of the trailer DID NOT match the actual TV series.

By episode 5 I only had more and more questions and I had no idea how they were going to wrap up everything within the next episode. Plot points presented were Bucky's traumas which are giving him nightmares, Sam's inner workings as to why he turned down the shield, a new villain, a new "US Agent", a new organisation called GRC, a Black super soldier from Steve Rogers' era who was kept out of public eyes, a new Nick fury-esque person, a SECOND new villain. All of these were barely scratched. Instead, I spent 30 minutes watching them trying to fix a BOAT. A BOAT. WHY? I just don't understand why the writing and the direction was that bad and that uneven? I really wanted to quit the whole thing 2 episodes in! So many good characters and good performances with so little purpose! Why?


I feel disappointed. I expected a whole lot more and the action and the intensity of the trailer DID NOT match the actual TV series. For a show named The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, neither got enough airtime or exploration.

If I may, I would ask you to skip it, just to keep the memories of post-Wakandan Bucky and the Sam Wilson you already know. Just pretend Captain gave Sam the shield, he took it on, and he's now the new Captain America with a cool new costume that fuses both Captain America and Falcon.

Mookuthi Amman


A journalist visits the temple of his family deity afters seeing many "signs" of said deity. There, the Goddess appears before him and offers to improve his family's quality of life IF he popularises her temple in return. This causes the journalist to clash with a very popular spiritual leader, who just so happens to be a big fake. Whatever will happen next!

My Thoughts

I feel like the movie did not sag at ANY point, yet, it felt a little choppy. I'm going to give it the benefit of doubt as RJ Balaji's debut in writing and directing a movie. Urvasi is HILARIOUS. I generally like RJ Balaji's sly brand of humour so I can't fault that either. Nayanthara's role felt just a bit more than a cameo which was a bit of a disappointment as I would have LOVED to see her more as Amman. I LOVED the movie's message - that there is a God within all of us, who is basically the best version of who we can be. That we should work towards this version of ourselves and trust ourselves a little more. This is not far from one of the theories as to why there are so many Hindu gods. And I really likes the "updated" version of this theory to suit current times.

It had ALL the 90s Amman movie effects - people familiar with the genre, with Ramyakrishnan as the Amman would be able to see some of the "throwbacks" but honestly, it felt a liiiitle dated for a movie made today. I think they could have pushed more. If you had seen one of the sneak peeks they had released, which they disappointingly removed from the final cut, I think there must have been way more controversial and poignant scenes. Which were probably unfortunately removed so as not to dig at religious groups TOO much. But it feels like you're going to call out on people who scam people in the name of religion, you could have definitely done more.


Watch it if you have some time to spare and if people who profit off "God" upset you as well. But do go in with slightly low expectations as it REALLY shows that this is a debut work! I personally appreciated the uniqueness and timeliness of the movie. I *might* watch it again!

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