5 Things That Make Me Happy

If I had to describe myself, I would say I’m a happy person. It’s my overall state. Sure, I have my mopey day(s) every month and I flare up extremely quickly (#igotitfrommydad) but it doesn’t take much to go back to my happy state. I’m not even talking about all is calm, and peaceful kind of state. I’m talking about smiley, good things are happening kind of state. And for some reason, that’s how people see me too (As long as you don’t bump into me during a train ride or out in other public settings because apparently, I suffer from a debilitating condition known as RBF). During my A levels, my physics tutor gave us all farewell cards. Mine said how I always have an expression of pure bliss on my face and that he hopes it lasts. Sure, he added a “Regardless of my results” (I sucked at physics), but you get what I mean. This was during my A levels, when I was at the worst state of my life. Anyway, my friend asked me the other day about how I always manage to keep a positive and happy attitude. She said I should write about what makes me happy so that it can serve as ideas for other people to cheer themselves up.

You’re going to see in a bit why this might not be a good idea. Obviously different things make different people happy and as for me, I think being happy is just my natural disposition. But! My friend’s idea did get me thinking, and I did have to do some reflection on how I maintain a happy and positive outlook! I’ve actually never paid much attention to this before, so I thought I would just share my insights. Also because it’s been 2 months since I updated the “Simply Me” category.

1. People smiling and/or achieving
All it takes to flip a bad day around is when I see two bus drivers wave at each other from their respective buses. That human interaction, that connection, cheers me up at the snap of my fingers. This is why I try to infuse humour where ever I am as well – seeing people smile makes me smile, which makes me happy. It’s not a “Yay, I made them laugh” feeling, it’s a “Yay, people are happy and harmonious!” feeling. I also feel cheered up when I see someone achieve what they want. Even if I don’t know said person, and just follow them on Instagram. It’s nice to see people achieve things, it really is! I didn’t know why, but introspection made me realise that I’m a dreamer through and through, and seeing people’s dreams come true, gives me hope that there’s a chance we can all succeed as well. Isn’t that what we all want?

2. Cool days
The sun is a big no-no for me. I live in a tropical country and I was born in India, but I act like someone who belongs in England or Ireland. I have actually genuinely considered moving there for the weather. I still do sometimes. I hate whining about the weather because there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it. But I do get very grumpy when there’s too much heat. I can tell the minute the temperature hits 31ºC – My brain shuts down. It’s not about feeling hot, or the sweat that bothers me about heat, it’s that my brain actually stops functioning when it’s too hot. So, cool weather = happy brain = getting things done.

3. Getting things done
Which brings me to the next thing that makes me happy. It’s such a mood-lifter every time I strike things off my to-do list! My brain is at its best when I have multiple projects simultaneously competing for its attention. But it doesn’t just have to be actual tasks and mental stimulation. Getting things done makes me feel like I’m in control, and like I have made the best of a situation. I even have to-do lists during my period when I’m in so much pain and have a migraine – things like do a face mask, drink lemon tea, eat sesame seeds. Doing those makes me feel better, like I’m taking care of myself and my body naturally responds to all the taking care, so I feel better. Getting things done in general also gives me the feeling of making progress. In any aspect of my life.

4. Writing, obviously
I believe I have mentioned this before, but writing is how I make sense of things, it’s how I can best capture what has just happened and, I journal. I’m no wordsmith, some people write so beautifully, and I wish I had that kind of talent. But putting pen to paper is my thing. Sometimes, I look back at something I wrote and go “Wow! I wrote that?!”

5. I genuinely don’t have any regrets
I think this is part of the reason why I have a default happy state. Sure, I have the occasional “Aw, I wish I had done this earlier” sort of pangs but, I absolutely have no regrets. I believe from the bottom of my heart that everything happens for a reason, even if said reason isn’t apparent right away, regardless of how upset it made me at the time. I have the tossing around at bed and then cringing when an old, embarrassing memory comes up. But I don’t dwell on the past. I don’t have any long-lasting lingering negativity.

And those are the 5 things that make me feel uplifted and optimistic! Here’s the thing, I think chasing after happiness is over-rated. I’ve written on this before, and I don’t think a happy life is the way to go. Happiness is an emotion, and like all emotions, it’s not a good idea for one to last too long. What I think we need is a life of fulfilment and satisfaction. But having said that, while it’s good to observe and avoid our upsetting triggers, it’s also important for our mental health to observe our happiness triggers. So that the next time something upsetting happens, we don’t reach for a tub of ice cream or some other quick fix that momentarily makes us feel better, but we can reach out for activities that lifts our mood, and our positivity.

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