A Small Discussion On Starting and Sustaining A Creative Habit
One thing I’ve learned is that being creative is not necessarily something that happens on its own. I thought painters, sculptures, writers, filmmakers just conjured things out of thin air. Turns out, sure, you can get inspired by watching a film or reading a book but sustaining inspiration and creativity requires practise, intention, and discipline. It needs just as much hard work as anything else out there. So here are my tips on creating and sustaining a daily creative habit!
1. If you want to explore your creativity – just start! Even if you don’t know what it is you like but just want to be a bit more artsy and its associated whimsical nature, try a bunch of different things! As much as the world around us makes it seem like that’s the case, the inspiration you want is not going to seek you or hit you on the way to your 9-5! YOU have to go looking for what intrigues you.
2. And then set aside time, no matter how small to work on it every day. Creativity is another muscle that you need to develop and strengthen just like anything else. The more you do it, the more you will find yourself developing a muscle memory! So literally, pick a time and put it in your calendar like “3 to 330pm: write 100 words”
3. Don’t be embarrassed by how “bad” everything looks when you’re starting out, or even further down the line. Don’t be too hard on yourself. “Bad” work is just as important and relevant to the bigger picture as “good” work.
4. Because your creative habit is a practice, and you can’t practice without making mistakes. That’s how you grow and get better.
5. And I keep saying habit because it’s just as, if not, more important to focus on the process itself, rather than the outcome. Say you like painting and that’s what you want to explore creatively. Learn to enjoy the process of the actual painting rather than the completed work.
6. To keep yourself going, one thing you can consider is keeping an inspiration journal/ log/ Pinterest board/ Instagram saved section. That you can refer to from time to time for days you have no idea where to start, or what to try.
7. Or consider sitting down and having a conversation with yourself on WHY a creative habit is something you want to explore.
8. But make sure you don’t fall into the pit of comparing your work to those you have saved or feel inspired by! Nothing kills creativity more than comparison. Your work is yours, your voice is unique and if you intend to share it, you WILL find people who would much rather turn to your work than the very people YOU feel inspired by!
9. And that’s why it’s important to focus on the PROCESS rather than the outcome! There is great joy in birthing something, but there’s also something special in the focus, inner calm and stillness you will invariably have while creating.
And that I think is really it!
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